Website Accessibility

Purpose of the Policy

The City of Aiken is committed to providing employees and the public, including individuals with disabilities, access to Web-based information and services either directly through the Web or through alternative channels.

This document states the Web Accessibility Policy for the City of Aiken in the continued commitment to provide equal access to government services for individuals with disabilities.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to all City of Aiken web content whether centrally hosted and managed by the Information Services Division or hosted and managed by City agencies, departments or external service providers. Departments that provide services through contracts shall ensure that such contractors deliver their services in compliance the City of Aiken Web Accessibility Policy.

This policy applies to the presentation of information whether it is from a web page or a web application on either the Internet or the Intranet.

Website Accessibility Statement

The City of Aiken is committed to the electronic and information technology design standards outlined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The official website of the City of Aiken and all related websites shall provide access to information for people with disabilities.

Website Accessibility Policy

It shall be the policy of the City of Aiken that all web based information and service be designed by the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortia ( and Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act ( are reflected to provide access to people with disabilities.

Known Limitations of this Policy

Individuals with (or without) disabilities access the Web with widely varying sets of capabilities, software, and hardware. While this policy does provide the standard for individuals with disabilities to access Web-based information, this policy cannot anticipate every accessibility need, due to known limitations of existing technology. There may be other circumstances, independent of technology that may limit accessibility of City of Aiken websites.

While every effort will be made, it is understood that creating accessible formats for some historical documentation and graphical renderings maintained by the City may be technologically unfeasible.