Doing Business in the City of Aiken

111 Chesterfield St. S • Aiken, SC 29801 • 803-642-7654

City Services for Businesses : Doing Business in the City of Aiken


Fire Services

Aiken has an Insurance Services Organization (ISO) Class 2 Fire Department rating. This rating means that your fire insurance premiums on your residential or business property, if served by the City, are lower than for cities with higher ratings. Fire service costs are paid from real property taxes for in-city residents. Properties outside the city, but within our service area, pay fire service fees based on the property value if it also has city water service. If the property does not receive City water service, then a flat fee is charged.

Fire Safety Regulations

Fire sprinkler systems are required if your building exceeds 15,000 square feet, with more than two floors, or is a multi-family residential unit (apartments) with four or more units.

For assistance regarding sprinkler requirements, call our Fire Suppression Division at 803-642-7620.

Fire and Crime Prevention Programs

Our Department of Public Safety offers many programs to assist local businesses. These programs address both crime and fire prevention. We can offer training sessions for shoplifting prevention, fire prevention safety, fire safety plans, crime reporting, or other areas of concern related to law enforcement, fire suppression, or first response services.

We advise businesses to supply Public Safety with emergency contact numbers. To provide Public Safety with emergency contact information, please call our dispatch supervisor at 803-642-7682.